Friday, February 20, 2015

Are Textbooks Joining the Dinosaurs?

Textbooks are now being used electronically more and more versus physically. According to Ed Tech Magazine, 92% of students prefer digital research options. It is becoming the new norm and textbooks are soon to be extinct.

Some advantages of electronic textbooks are they are less expensive, they can be accessed anywhere, do not have make space for the actual book, and some of the time the online textbook has extra features and resources to learn more about the topic. Some disadvantages would include, not being able to physically touch, highlight or write notes (would have to use a program to mark up an online textbook), a person needs a technology device to access the information, and a virtual book has no resell value (but was probably cheaper to begin with).

I believe the future of textbooks will be much like VCR tapes. They are still around and can be used but more and more people will use DVD's. And eventually I do not think we will see a full extinction like dinosaurs, but textbooks will eventually be on the endangered species list.

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