Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Libraries of the Future

I think in the future libraries will be more digital media labs. I think there will still be books but there will be more computers available. I think by 2023, technology will be even more interactive with books and reading it on a tablet will be just as enjoyable as reading it in print. Also, I think the books on tablets or on a technology device will have animations and you will be able to interact with the book. I think all directories will be electronic for searching for books and resources. I think that card catalogs will be obsolete and replaced by an electronic search database.

I see the role of the librarian as less of a bookworm and more of a digital specialist. I see the librarian expected to help students with digital devices and apps as well as help them search for good books and resources. Most are already research specialist and I think they will continue to be but when teaching researching for the first time, they will need to include some digital citizenship instruction to teach students how digital learners act and research online. They could touch on topics like: safety, plagiarism, and how to find quality articles using online databases.

Overall the libraries and the librarian role will change with increased technology, but the function of what a library is will not change.

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