Saturday, February 21, 2015

Blended Instruction

Technology has turned my classroom into a blended classroom by integrating technology with traditional teaching methods. It has created a more interactive, engaging, and collaborative environment.

My favorite ways to integrate are using Nearpod, Answerpad, or Edmodo. Using Nearpod and Answerpad, every student is responsible for their own answer. When I ask a question, I do not hear from just one or two students (who just answered the last question), I hear from everyone of my students to see that everyone is on track. My mini check for understandings have improved because of technology. I can constantly see and know who is getting the content and who needs more help. Using Edmodo, I have my student submit their assignments electronically and I do not need to carry any paper around. Its great! I am able to access their completed assignments anytime and parents are also able to ask any of the their child's work at anytime. There is no forgetting to bring it home or a chance for students to throw their work away. This make parent teacher conferences really easy because I can show each students work and progress on a very organized platform. And if there are any questions of a low grade, I have the exact submission and they can read the comments I post why the student did not receive full points.

From this point forward, I plan to continue to use technology in my classroom. I plan to try new websites and apps and then stick with the ones that work well in my classroom. My next big website I plan to learn is My Big Campus. This is an virtual learning management system that is all in compassing of an online classroom. Exciting for where technology will bring my classroom in the future!

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